The main goal of an Amazon seller is to increase profits and earning potential, but many sellers struggle due to a lack of profit tracking. This article emphasizes the importance of creating a Profit and Loss (P&L) statement for Amazon businesses.
Key Points:
Understanding Profit & Loss (P&L) Statements:
P&L statements help analyze revenue, costs, and expenses over time.
Strategic decisions can be made by tracking and interpreting these statements.
Terminology Explained:
Sales Revenue: Total earnings from selling products before deductions.
Net Sales Revenue: Total earnings after deducting discounts, reimbursements, and other costs.
Cost of Goods Sold (COGS): Total cost of producing or purchasing the product.
Overhead Costs: Fixed costs not directly related to production but necessary for operations.
Gross Profit: Net sales revenue minus COGS.
Net Profit/Net Income: Actual profit after deducting COGS, taxes, debts, and overhead expenses.
Creating a P&L Statement:
Create an income and expense tracking sheet to monitor monthly finances.
Obtain net sales revenue data from Amazon Seller Central.
Calculate COGS, gross profit, and overhead costs to determine operating profit.
Calculate net income by subtracting taxes from the operating profit.
Analyzing P&L Statements:
Review sales revenue month-on-month to identify patterns and reasons for spikes.
Analyze COGS to find ways to reduce costs, such as negotiating discounts or finding cheaper suppliers.
Calculate profit margins and optimize costs to enhance overall profitability.
Regularly creating and analyzing P&L statements is crucial for Amazon sellers to understand their business's financial health, make informed decisions, and implement strategies for sustainable growth and increased profitability.